
Win Win (2011)

Directed by Tom McCarthy

Comedy | Drama | Sports

Most recently watched by noahphex


When down-on-his-luck part-time high school wrestling coach Mike agrees to become legal guardian to an elderly man, his ward’s troubled grandson turns out to be a star grappler, sparking dreams of a big win—until the boy’s mother retrieves him.

Rated R | Length 106 minutes


Paul Giamatti | Alex Shaffer | Amy Ryan | Melanie Lynskey | Bobby Cannavale | Jeffrey Tambor | Burt Young | Nina Arianda | Margo Martindale | Clare Foley | David W. Thompson | Marcia Haufrecht | Sharon Wilkins | Penelope Kindred | Sophie Kindred | Tim Ransom | Marceline Hugot | Darren Goldstein | Edmund Ikeda | Joseph Tiboni | Pam Levine | Dariusz M. Uczkowski

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/27/2011TVBlu-rayRented4 stars


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