
Mask (1985)

Directed by Peter Bogdanovich

Biography | Drama

Most recently watched by danfinn


A boy with a massive facial skull deformity and his biker gang mother attempt to live as normal a life as possible under the circumstances.

Rated PG-13 | Length 126 minutes


Cher | Sam Elliott | Eric Stoltz | Estelle Getty | Richard Dysart | Laura Dern | Micole Mercurio | Harry Carey, Jr. | Dennis Burkley | Lawrence Monoson | Ben Piazza | L. Craig King | Alexandra Powers | Kelly Jo Minter | Joe Unger | Todd Allen | Howard Hirdler | Jeannie Dimter Barton | Steve James | Cathy Arden | Andrew Robinson | Ivan J. Rado | Anna Hamilton Phelan | Wayne Grace | Nick Cassavetes | Les Dudek | Jo-El Sonnier | Rebecca Wood | Paige Matthews | Patricia Pelham | Gale Ricketts | Stan Ross | Scott Willardsen | Marsha Warfield | Allison Roth | David Scott Milton | Creed Bratton | Charles Taylor | Rummel Mor | Barry Tubb | Norman Kaplan | Marilyn Hamilton | Anna Thea Bogdanovich | Louis Waldon | Toni Sawyer | Lou Felder | Christopher Rydell | Beth McKinley | Jill Whitlow | Eddie Paul | Michael Adams | Jeff Jensen | Jack Wright

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/08/2014TVBroadcastTV5 stars


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