
The Longest Ride (2015)

Directed by George Tillman, Jr.

Drama | Romance


The lives of a young couple intertwine with a much older man as he reflects back on a lost love while he’s trapped in an automobile crash.

Rated PG-13 | Length 128 minutes


Britt Robertson | Scott Eastwood | Alan Alda | Jack Huston | Oona Chaplin | Melissa Benoist | Lolita Davidovich | Elea Oberon | Kate Forbes | Tiago Riani | Danny Vinson | Hayley Lovitt | Tracey Bonner | Jaret Sears | Hunter Burke | Evan Taylor Burns | Ben Jarvis Dumas | Ash Taylor | Gloria Reuben | Matt McHugh | Jon Stafford | Gina Herron | Joy Jacobson | Michael Lowry | Amy Parrish | Peter Jurasik | Karen Labbe | Barry J. Ratcliffe | Staley Colvert | Andrea Moore | Shane Callahan | Mark Cabus | Mark Jeffrey Miller

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/21/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand2 stars

Viewing Notes

In Flight VOD Feature


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