
Movies seen on Saturday August 16th, 2014

schofizzy has logged 7 movies on Saturday August 16th, 2014. Back to Movies seen in August 2014 by day

Movies logged on Saturday August 16th, 2014
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
LockeSteven Knight201408/16/2014
KlownMikkel Nørgaard201008/16/2014
PredatorJohn McTiernan198708/16/2014
RockyJohn G. Avildsen197608/16/2014
Swimmer, TheSydney Pollack, Frank Perry196808/16/2014
Touch of EvilOrson Welles195808/16/2014
Ace in the HoleBilly Wilder195108/16/2014