
Movies by Tag

schofizzy has logged 15 movies that were tagged with “drive-in.”

Movies tagged with “drive-in”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Ant-ManPeyton Reed201508/08/2015
Mad Max: Fury RoadGeorge Miller201505/30/2015
Fantastic FourJosh Trank201508/08/2015
San AndreasBrad Peyton201505/30/2015
Guardians of the GalaxyJames Gunn201408/10/2014
Into the StormSteven Quale201408/09/2014
LucyLuc Besson201408/09/2014
Man of SteelZack Snyder201306/29/2013
White House DownRoland Emmerich201306/29/2013
Lone Ranger, TheGore Verbinski201307/07/2013