
Movies by Tag

schofizzy has logged 30 movies that were tagged with “used in classroom.”

Movies tagged with “used in classroom”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Power of One, TheJohn G. Avildsen199201/21/2015
Far and AwayRon Howard199201/21/2015
Mississippi BurningAlan Parker198805/13/2014
Grave of the FirefliesIsao Takahata198807/13/2017
Untouchables, TheBrian De Palma198701/21/2016
Barefoot GenMori Masaki198304/17/2015
GandhiRichard Attenborough198203/06/2013
1776Peter H. Hunt197206/06/2016
Invasion of the Body SnatchersDon Siegel195605/10/2016
Modern TimesCharlie Chaplin193611/04/2016