
Jade Michael LaFont

seanCduregger has logged 1 out of 8 movies featuring Jade Michael LaFont. Back to Actors by Popularity.

Movies logged featuring Jade Michael LaFont
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedWatchedViewed On
Night of the DemonsAdam Gierasch2009Yes10/21/2010
House of SpiritsReuben Rox2017NoN/A
Camp Blood 4Dustin Ferguson2016NoN/A
Amityville ToyboxDustin Ferguson2016NoN/A
WolvesbayneGriff Furst2009NoN/A
WolfikaPeter Keir2006NoN/A
Then The Night ComesMatt SpeaseNoN/A
Dark NightMatt SpeaseNoN/A