
Roadracers (1994)

Directed by Robert Rodriguez

Action | Drama

Most recently watched by zombiefreak, noahphex


Cynical look at a 1950s rebellious Rocker who has to confront his future, thugs with knives, and the crooked town sheriff.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


David Arquette | Salma Hayek | John Hawkes | Jason Wiles | O'Neal Compton | Kevin McCarthy | William Sadler | Tommy Nix

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/29/2012TVBlu-rayOwned3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Early Robert Rodriguez, highly entertaining. David Arquette, John Hawkes and Salma Hayek. Muscle cars. Awesome Rockabilly soundtrack…need I say more?


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