
Night of the Demons (1988)

Directed by Kevin Tenney


Most recently watched by sleestakk, zombiefreak, scottfinn, Angjonesy, Javitron, noahphex


While conducting a seance during a Halloween party, high-school seniors unlock the demon that remains locked in the crematorium.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Cathy Podewell | Alvin Alexis | Amelia Kinkade | Linnea Quigley | Hal Havins | Billy Gallo | Lance Fenton | Jill Terashita | Allison Barron | Philip Tanzini | Harold Ayer | Marie Denn | Karen Ericson | Donnie Jeffcoat | James W. Quinn | Clark Jarrett | Kevin Tenney | Frank Welker

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/17/2011TVDVDOwned3.5 stars


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