
Winnebago Man (2010)

Directed by Ben Steinbauer


Most recently watched by GMOM65, lordofthemovies, themarc, zombiefreak, noahphex, sleestakk


Jack Rebney is the most famous man you’ve never heard of - after cursing his way through a Winnebago sales video, Rebney’s outrageously funny outtakes became an underground sensation and made him an internet superstar. Filmmaker Ben Steinbauer journeys to the top of a mountain to find the recluse who unwittingly became the “Winnebago Man”.

Rated R | Length 85 minutes


Jack Rebney | Ben Steinbauer | Nick Prueher | Joe Pickett | Douglas Rushkoff | Charlie Sotelo | Alan Berliner | Alexsey Vayner | Mike Mitchell | Cinco Barnes | Keith Gordon

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/07/2011TVStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

I’d never heard of Jack Rebney before seeing this documentary. Now I’ll never forget him. This is the best documentary of 2010 hands down.


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