
The Battery (2012)

Directed by Jeremy Gardner

Horror | Drama

Most recently watched by sleestakk, zombiefreak, Javitron, sensoria, schofizzy, archstanton43


In rural Connecticut, baseball players Ben and Mickey are trying to survive a zombie plague. They are forced to form a battery: a catcher and a pitcher who work together to outwit the batter, the one who hits the ball. And the batter in this case just happens to be a zombie. Tough Ben and gentle Mickey frequently disagree on the best way to go about the situation. Then they suddenly hear a human voice through their walkie-talkies. Is salvation nearby, like Mickey thinks, or is Ben’s suspicion justified?

Length 101 minutes


Jeremy Gardner | Adam Cronheim | Niels Bolle | Alana O'Brien | Jamie Pantanella | Larry Fessenden | Kelly McQuade | Matt Bacco | Elise Stella

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/20/2014TVDigitalOwned4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Wow. Low budget filmmaking at it’s best.


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