
Robot Ninja (1989)

Directed by J.R. Bookwalter

Science Fiction | Action | Horror


A scientist helps a comic-book artist to become the superhero he has created in order to battle a vicious gang of rapists.

Rated NR | Length 82 minutes


Michael Todd | Bogdan Pecic | Maria Markovic | Floyd Ewing Jr. | Bill Morrison | James L. Edwards | Michael Kemper | Jon Killough | J.R. Bookwalter | Jennifer Mullen | Linnea Quigley | Scott Spiegel | David DeCoteau | Kenneth J. Hall | Burt Ward | Rodney Shields | Michael Porter | Lori Kozar | Steve Rossiter | Michael J. Giffin | Mike Shea | Michael Render | David Lange | Bernie Keister | Hans Kenneth Hammerstrom | Jeffrey W. Scaduto

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/12/2014ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand3.5 stars


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