
The Legend of Hell House (1973)

Directed by John Hough


Most recently watched by sleestakk, sensoria, noahphex


A team consisting of a physicist, his wife, a young female psychic, and the only survivor of the previous visit are sent to the notorious Hell House to prove or disprove survival after death. Previous visitors have either been killed or gone mad, and it is up to the team to survive a full week in isolation, and solve the mystery of the Hell House.

Rated PG | Length 95 minutes


Pamela Franklin | Roddy McDowall | Clive Revill | Gayle Hunnicutt | Roland Culver | Peter Bowles | Michael Gough | Miles Jonn-Dalton

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/03/2014TVBlu-rayOwned3.5 stars


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