
Tomboy (1985)

Directed by Herb Freed

Comedy | Drama


A budding female race-car driver finally meets her racing idol and unbelievably they fall in love…a love that’s quickly put to the test when, having received the chance to show her racing talents, the two find themselves in a race for a multi-million dollar sponsorship contract.

Rated R | Length 91 minutes


Betsy Russell | Gerard Christopher | Kristi Somers | Richard Erdman | Philip Sterling | Eric Douglas | Paul Gunning | Toby Iland | E. Danny Murphy | Rory Barish | Cynthia Thompson | Cory Hawkins | Shane McCabe | Aaron Butler | Dennis Hayden | Danna Garen | Alicia Hollinger | Carey Shearer | Jacqueline Jacobs | Michelle Bauer

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/22/2014TVBlu-rayOwned4 stars


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