
Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)

Directed by Charles E. Sellier Jr.


Most recently watched by sleestakk, zombiefreak, schofizzy


Billy Chapman, who was traumatized by his parents’ Christmas Eve murder, then brutalized by sadistic orphanage nuns, grows up to dress as jolly St. Nick for a yuletide rampage to punish the naughty.

Rated R | Length 79 minutes


Lilyan Chauvin | Gilmer McCormick | Toni Nero | Robert Brian Wilson | Charles Dierkop | Linnea Quigley | Randy Stumpf | Britt Leach | Tara Buckman | Will Hare | Leo Geter | Geoff Hansen | Eric Hart | A. Madeline Smith | H.E.D. Redford | Danny Wagner | Jonathan Best | Amy Styvesant | Max Robinson | Nancy Borgenicht | Vinc Massa | John Michael Alvarez | John Bishop | Richard C. Terry | Oscar Rowland | Richard D. Clark | Tip Boxell | Angela Montoya | Molly Cameron | Jayne Luke | Joan Forster | Betsy Nagel | Barbara Stafford | Paul Mulder | Spencer Ashby | J. Paul Broadhead | Alex Burton | Max Broadhead | Melissa Best | Dan Rogers | Spencer Alston | Kristi Ballard | Jacob Peterson | Jonathan Wilde | Susie Massa | Sarah Stuyvesant

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/13/2014TVBlu-rayOwned3 stars


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