
Fire in the Sky (1993)

Directed by Robert Lieberman

Science Fiction


A group of men who were clearing brush for the government arrive back in town, claiming that their friend was abducted by aliens. Nobody believes them, and despite a lack of motive and no evidence of foul play, their friends’ disappearance is treated as murder.

Rated PG-13 | Length 109 minutes


D. B. Sweeney | Robert Patrick | Craig Sheffer | Peter Berg | Henry Thomas | Bradley Gregg | Noble Willingham | Kathleen Wilhoite | James Garner | Georgia Emelin | Scott MacDonald | Wayne Grace | Kenneth White | Robert Covarrubias | Bruce Wright | Natasha Henry | Dana Walton | Eric Wilsey | Scott M. Seekins | Shinichi Mine | Ronald Lee Marriott | Robert Biheller

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/01/2015TVDVDOwned4.5 stars


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