
Battle of the Damned (2013)

Directed by Christopher Hatton

Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Following a deadly viral outbreak, private military soldier Max Gatling leads a handful of survivors and a ragtag band of robots against an army of the infected.

Length 88 minutes


Dolph Lundgren | Matt Doran | Melanie Zanetti | David Field | Lydia Look | Broadus Mattison | Jen Sung | Oda Maria | Kerry Wong | Jeff Pruitt | Esteban Cueto

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/04/2015TVBlu-rayOwned3 stars

Viewing Notes

I thought this was going to be pure shit, but I had fun with it. I may be the only one. Dolph is badass and some performances were pretty solid. Some bad CG robots but overall fun, brutal action in places. *shrug*


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