
Batman Returns (1992)

Directed by Tim Burton

Action | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by CaptainBigTime, jeneot33, ashe5k, lordofthemovies, twobitme, Javitron, danfinn, CoffeeEater


Batman must face The Penguin, a sewer-dwelling gangleader intent on being accepted into Gotham society.  Meanwhile, another Gotham resident finds herself transformed into Catwoman and is out for revenge…

Rated PG-13 | Length 126 minutes


Danny DeVito | Michelle Pfeiffer | Michael Keaton | Christopher Walken | Michael Gough | Pat Hingle | Michael Murphy | Vincent Schiavelli | Andrew Bryniarski | Cristi Conaway | Steve Witting | Jan Hooks | John Strong | Rick Zumwalt | Anna Katarina | Gregory Scott Cummins | Erika Andersch | Travis McKenna | Doug Jones | Branscombe Richmond | Paul Reubens | Diane Salinger | Stuart Lancaster | Cal Hoffman | Joan Jurige | Rosie O'Connor | Sean Whalen | Erik Onate | Joey DePinto | Steven Brill | Neal Lerner | Ashley Tillman | Elizabeth Sanders | Joan Giammarco | Lisa Guerrero | Frank DiElsi | Biff Yeager | Robert Gossett | Adam Drescher | Bobby Bell | Niki Botelho | Susan Rossitto | Margarita Farrell | Denise Killpack | Felix Silla | Debbie Lee Carrington | Anthony De Longis | Desi Singh | Henry Kingi

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/22/2012ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Tim Burton definitely didn’t want to make BATMAN RETURNS, and you can tell. Even so, it remained one of the better Bat-films, until Chris Nolan popped his merry head up.

What’s appreciated about RETURNS is how dark it is; unfortunately some of his concepts play better than others, especially towards the end with the penguins firing rockets and what not. And frankly, it’s Burton’s fault that the franchise devolved to by adding “one more villain” to each movie.

As a kid, I loved RETURNS. As an adult, I still find more to like than not, but I just don’t have the sense of wonderment I still get from the 1989 BATMAN.


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