
Beetlejuice (1988)

Directed by Tim Burton


Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, VicnaLobster, CaptainBigTime, danfinn, lordofthemovies, Javitron, zombiefreak, Angjonesy, twobitme, seanCduregger


A newly dead New England couple seeks help from a deranged demon exorcist to scare an affluent New York family out of their home.

Rated PG | Length 92 minutes


Alec Baldwin | Geena Davis | Winona Ryder | Catherine O'Hara | Jeffrey Jones | Michael Keaton | Glenn Shadix | Sylvia Sidney | Patrice Martinez | Dick Cavett | Robert Goulet | Maree Cheatham | Susan Kellermann | Carmen Filpi | Annie McEnroe | Rachel Mittelman | Hugo Stanger | Maurice Page | J. Jay Saunders | Mark Ettlinger | Cindy Daly | Douglas S. Turner | Gary Jochimsen | Bob Pettersen | Duane Davis | Simmy Bow | Adelle Lutz | Tony Cox | Jack Angel | Charles Schneider

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/06/2012TVStreamingVideo on Demand3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Truth be told I didn’t remember much about BEETLEJUICE; it’s probably been twenty years since I’ve seen it. Things here and there would pop up in memory now and again but that’s about it. And, after twenty years, I was kind of disappointed.

Frankly, there’s just not enough of Beetlejuice himself for a movie named after him; he doesn’t even really show up until the second half. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a decent movie, enjoyable and quite original; it just didn’t resonate with me as much as I remember.


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