
Pervert! (2005)

Directed by Jonathan Yudis

Comedy | Horror

Most recently watched by sleestakk


While visiting his Bible-thumping yet lecherous father in the desert, randy college student James tries everything he can to hook up with the local curvaceous cuties, but his sex quest stalls when a bloodthirsty killer targets every buxom beauty in sight.

Rated NR | Length 81 minutes


Mary Carey | Sean Andrews | Darell Sandeen | Juliette Clarke | Sally Jean | Tuka | Candice Hussain | Malik Carter | Edmund Johnson | Lucia | Aurelie Sanchez | William Yudis | Jason Consoli | Andy Curtain | Jonathan Yudis | Stephanie Jane Markham

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/08/2011TVStreamingVideo on Demand1 star

Viewing Notes

If a signature of Russ Meyer films is sly comedy, then PERVERT! fails as a tribute.

Though I did find the monster reveal and one or two visual gags spinning out of that funny, the first hour of the movie is strikingly dumb and the last 20 don’t get much better, meat sculpting aside.

Even though I make the effort to understand, maybe I’m not programmed to like sexploitation films of this bent with their radio-play sound effects; I just can’t abide 13-year old humor like this very well anymore. I realize it’s not intended to be sophisticated, but neither is BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD and I find that show tremendously funny because it’s saying something about society and it does unexpected things.

PERVERT! is just one giant boob and fart joke rehashed 1,000 times and that does nothing but make me want to punch myself for watching it.


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