
Corvette Summer (1978)

Directed by Matthew Robbins


Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, noahphex


Ken loves to design and build exotic cars. When the High School shop class project car, a fully tricked out dream Corvette, is stolen, he begins searching for it. His search leads him to Las Vegas, where Vanessa, a teenaged prostitute wannabe, helps him try to track it down.

Rated PG | Length 105 minutes


Mark Hamill | Annie Potts | Eugene Roche | William Bryant | Richard McKenzie | Kim Milford | Philip Bruns | Danny Bonaduce | Albert Insinnia | Jane A. Johnston | Stanley Kamel | Clifford A. Pellow | Jason Ronard | Brion James | Morgan Upton | Wendie Jo Sperber | Dick Miller | Jonathan Terry | Isaac Ruiz | William Pierson | Richard Altman | MacIntyre Dixon | Harlan Warde | T. K. Carter | Jan Burrell | Nathan Jung | Richard Roat | Paddi Edwards | David Byrd | Bill Gentry

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/01/2011ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand2 stars

Viewing Notes

With an unexpected but pleasant plot twist, CORVETTE SUMMER is a movie that is about twenty minutes too long and lives and dies on Annie Potts being on screen. It tries too hard to go from wacky teen movie to adult character conflict piece, to minor gangster thriller though.


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