
Paper Heart (2009)

Directed by Nicholas Jasenovec


Most recently watched by sleestakk


Paper Heart follows Nick and Charlyne on a cross-country journey to document what exactly “love” is. Interviewing ministers, happily married couples, chemists, romance novelists, divorce lawyers, a group of children and more, the determined young girl attempts to find definition and perhaps even experience the mysterious emotion.

Rated PG-13 | Length 88 minutes


Charlyne Yi | Demetri Martin | Jake Johnson | Given Sharp | Martin Starr | Michael Cera | Gill Summers | Seth Rogen | Derek Waters | Matthew Bass | Brendan Paul | David Chandler | Paul Scheer

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/01/2010TVStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars

Viewing Notes

The flick is a sweet mockumentary, but I felt like the film’s conceit unraveled as the fictional 4th wall narrative broke through.


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