
The Sandlot (1993)

Directed by David M. Evans


Most recently watched by zombiefreak, seanCduregger, danfinn


During a summer of friendship and adventure, one boy becomes a part of the gang, nine boys become a team and their leader becomes a legend by confronting the terrifying mystery beyond the right field wall.

Rated PG | Length 101 minutes


Tom Guiry | Mike Vitar | Patrick Renna | Chauncey Leopardi | Marty York | Brandon Quintin Adams | Grant Gelt | James Earl Jones | Denis Leary | Karen Allen | Shane Obedzinski | Victor DiMattia | Art LaFleur | Marley Shelton | Herb Muller | Daniel Zacapa | Eddie Matthews | Keith Campbell | Wil Horneff | Tyson Jones | Karl Simmons | Maury Wills | Pablo P. Vitar | Robert Apisa | Robbie T. Robinson | Charles Fick | Tim Page | Dennis Williams | Cynthia Windham | Shane LaVar Smith | Arliss Howard | David M. Evans | Sally Jackson

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/01/2010ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

It brings back so many memories of my own youth playing summer baseball and limitless summers. It’s so charming and has remnants of CHRISTMAS STORY with its voiceover.


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