
Southie (1998)

Directed by John Shea



South Boston Irish bad boy Danny Quinn returns back home from New York and gets stuck between his pals, who are supported by one Irish mafia clan, and his family, which are members of another.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Donnie Wahlberg | Rose McGowan | Anne Meara | Will Arnett | Amanda Peet | Lawrence Tierney | John Shea | Jimmy Cummings | Jay Giannone | Robert Wahlberg | Steve Sweeney | Lenny Clarke | Sue Costello | Josh Marchette | Steven Kozlowski | David Fitzgerald

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/01/2010TVStreamingVideo on Demand2.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Mark Wahlberg is in full “Say hello to your mother” effect here.


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