
Standing Ovation (2010)

Directed by Stewart Raffill


Most recently watched by noahphex, jenerator


A group of young girls is competing in a nation teen music video competition.

Length 105 minutes


Kayla Jackson | Kayla Raparelli | Sal Dupree | Al Sapienza | Alexis Biesiada | London Clark | Erika Corvette | Ashley Cutrona | Devon Jordan | Pilar Martin | William McKenna | Jeana Zettler | Alanna Palombo | Michael Pericoloso | Najee Wilson | Dexter Darden

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/01/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand1.5 stars

Viewing Notes

I hate myself for watching this movie. After receiving so much acclaim from people, I didn’t expect a ABC Family TV movie of the week with more ADR and over-dubbing than I’ve seen since a movie made in the 60s. Awful.


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