
Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)

Directed by Robert Benton



Ted Kramer is a career man for whom his work comes before his family. His wife Joanna cannot take this anymore, so she decides to leave him. Ted is now faced with the tasks of housekeeping and taking care of himself and their young son Billy.

Rated PG | Length 105 minutes


Dustin Hoffman | Meryl Streep | Jane Alexander | Justin Henry | Howard Duff | George Coe | JoBeth Williams | Bill Moor | Howland Chamberlain | Jack Ramage | Jess Osuna | Nicholas Hormann | Ellen Parker | Shelby Brammer | Carol Nadell | Donald Gantry | Joe Seneca | David Golden | Sean Albertson | Iris Klein

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/14/2013TVStreamingRented4.5 stars


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