
Movies by Certification (MPAA Rating)

wolverinefactor has logged 21 movies that were certified R by the MPAA.

Movies certified R
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Django UnchainedQuentin Tarantino201201/02/2013
CosmopolisDavid Cronenberg201201/21/2013
Piranha 3DDJohn Gulager201201/03/2013
Zero Dark ThirtyKathryn Bigelow201201/15/2013
StolenSimon West201201/07/2013
Promised LandGus Van Sant201201/11/2013
Stand Up GuysFisher Stevens201201/21/2013
Cabin in the Woods, TheDrew Goddard201201/08/2013
Texas Chainsaw 3DJohn Luessenhop201301/06/2013
Gangster SquadRuben Fleischer201301/23/2013