
Movies by Certification (MPAA Rating)

zombiefreak has logged 963 movies that were certified R by the MPAA.

Movies certified R
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Bad TeacherJake Kasdan201105/31/2012
Barton FinkJoel Coen199101/21/2018
BASEketballDavid Zucker199811/22/2013
Bay of Blood, AMario Bava197106/14/2017
BaywatchSeth Gordon201705/28/2018
BeerPatrick Kelly198506/22/2013
Being, TheJackie Kong198302/23/2011
Belko Experiment, TheGreg McLean201609/06/2017
BelowDavid Twohy200205/26/2011
BerserkerJefferson Richard198708/08/2012