
The Lift (1983)

Directed by Dick Maas


Most recently watched by noahphex, themarc


A lift technician finds himself drawn into a web of mystery and peril as he investigates the perplexing deadly accidents occurring in the elevators of a new office building.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Huub Stapel | Willeke van Ammelrooy | Josine van Dalsum | Liz Snoyink | Wiske Sterringa | Huib Broos | Pieter Lutz | Johan Hobo | Dick Scheffer | Matthias Maat | Ger van Groningen | Jan Anne Drenth | Emma Onrust | Sydney Kuyer | Cor Witschge | Paul Gieske | Piet Römer | Serge-Henri Valcke | Onno Molenkamp | Manfred de Graaf | Agnes Schuch | Gerard Thoolen | Kees Prins | Siem Vroom | Aat Ceelen | Arnica Elsendoorn | Guus Hoes | Ab Abspoel | Hans Dagelet | Isabelle Brok | Carola Gijsbers van Wijk | Theo Pont | Ad Noyons | Coby Timp | Hans Veerman | Peer Mascini | Michiel Kerbosch | Luk van Mello | Mariëlle Sprong

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/05/2011Movie ScreenOtherOther4 stars


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