
The Watch (2012)

Directed by Akiva Schaffer


Most recently watched by danfinn, Javitron, schofizzy, eduardovictory, noahphex, nwesterhouse


Four everyday suburban guys come together as an excuse to escape their humdrum lives one night a week. But when they accidentally discover that their town has become overrun with aliens posing as ordinary suburbanites, they have no choice but to save their neighborhood – and the world – from total extermination.

Rated R | Length 102 minutes


Ben Stiller | Vince Vaughn | Jonah Hill | Richard Ayoade | Rosemarie DeWitt | Erinn Hayes | Erin Moriarty | Jill Jane Clements | Will Forte | Mel Rodriguez | Doug Jones | Nicholas Braun | R. Lee Ermey | Joe Nunez | Liz Cackowski | Johnny Pemberton | Sharon Gee | Eric Goins | Robert C. Sibley | Grace Fronebarger | Bonnie Silver | Paul Barlow Jr. | Thomas Elliott | Sean Goulding | Amy Napier Viteri | Dax Flame | Ryan Girard | Kate Kneeland | Ted Huckabee | Jeremiah Williams | Ethan Shapanka | Marla Malcolm | Lindsey Coley | LaDonna Allison | Andy Samberg | Jorma Taccone | Akiva Schaffer | Cathy Shim | Carissa Capobianco | Kelsey Talley | Melia Talley | Patricia French | Zack Mines | Emilee Yuye Sikes | Billy Crudup | Ray Benitez | Justin Wheelon | Nickolas Wolf | Willam Belli | Mitchell Roach

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/10/2013TVBroadcastVideo on Demand3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Never really wanted to see this one in theaters, but since it was On Demand I figured, what the hell? It’s was actually pretty good. Had a few really good laughs and it’s fun to see Richard Ayoade.


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