
Demonic Toys (1992)

Directed by Peter Manoogian


Most recently watched by noahphex, sleestakk


While on a stakeout, Judith Gray, a beautiful, tough cop, is trapped inside a warehouse full of toys that have been awakened to murderous life by a strange child of darkness.

Rated R | Length 86 minutes


Tracy Scoggins | Bentley Mitchum | Daniel Cerny | Michael Russo | Barry Lynch | Ellen Dunning | Pete Schrum | Jeff Celentano | Richard Speight Jr. | Larry Cedar | Jim Mercer | Pat Crawford Brown | Kristine Rose | William Thorne | Christopher Robin | Robert Stoeckle | Crystal Carlson | Juney Ellis

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/06/2013Movie ScreenOtherOwned3.5 stars
06/24/2011TVStreamingRented3 stars


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