
Jailbait Babysitter (1977)

Directed by John Hayes



Vicki is seventeen and her older friends call her Jailbait. Her boyfriend Robert is frustrated because Vicki doesn’t want to do the wild thing, but he’s willing to wait. After a party gets out of hand, Vicki escapes with the help of Lorraine, who takes her in as a houseguest. While Lorraine teaches Vicki etiquette, Robert wonders what happened to his girlfriend. And Vicki soon learns more about Lorraine’s job as an “executive liaison.”

Rated R | Length 74 minutes


Michael Pataki | Mariwin Roberts | Roscoe Born | David J. Partington | Tony Vorno | Jerome Guardino | Therese Pare | Lydia Wagner

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/12/2011Movie ScreenOtherBorrowed2 stars


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