
Silent Night Deadly Night 4: Initiation (1990)

Directed by Brian Yuzna

Horror | Holiday

Most recently watched by sleestakk, Angjonesy


A reporter investigating the bizarre death of a woman who leaped from a building in flames finds herself mixed up in a cult of witches who are making her part of their sacrificial ceremony during the Christmas season.

Rated R | Length 87 minutes


Maud Adams | Tommy Hinkley | Allyce Beasley | Clint Howard | Neith Hunter | Marjean Holden | Jeanne Bates | Laurel Lockhart | Ben Slack | Conan Yuzna | Hugh Fink | Richard N. Gladstein | Reggie Bannister | Glen Chin | Ilsa Setzoil | David Wells | Dani Klein | Ashley | Adele Daniller | Dienna Kirby | Linda Limone | Ron Martin | Elizabeth Minor | Cassie Vallarano

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/23/2014Movie ScreenDVDOwned4 stars
12/22/2013TVDVDOwned3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Unlike part 3, I did like this one better on another watch. It has the least to do with Xmas of the sequels, and totally abandons the concept of the killer santa, but it has some solid FX and a pretty interesting story. I’ll be watching this again next year for sure.


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