
Curse of the Blue Lights (1988)

Directed by John Henry Johnson


Most recently watched by sensoria, noahphex


A group of teenagers battle a horde of zombies and evil creatures that live underneath a graveyard.

Rated R | Length 104 minutes


Brent Ritter | Bettina Julius | Clayton A. McCaw | Patrick Keller | Deborah McVencenty | Becky Golladay | Kent E. Fritzell | James Asbury | Marty Bechina | Don Warren

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/15/2014Movie ScreenOtherOwned2.5 stars

Viewing Notes

A few cool death scenes, some awesome creature design, but horrible sound. The story… who knows? Overall, pretty middle of the road.


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