
The Woodmans (2011)

Directed by Scott Willis



The story of a family that suffers a tragedy, but perseveres and finds redemption through each other and their work - making art.

Length 82 minutes


Francesca Woodman | George Woodman | Betty Woodman | Charles Woodman

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/21/2014TVStreamingRented4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Another art themed doc within a few days. This is about a tragic suicide of a young photographer in a family of artists. I like seeing how it affected the family, in ways that they don’t even seem to notice. Their artistic focus completely changes after Francesca’s death.

On the daughter herself - what a talent. Those photographs are amazing and moving. I want to sit down every idiot on my Facebook feed with a DSLR and show them what real talent looks like.


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