
Double Team (1997)

Directed by Tsui Hark


Most recently watched by sensoria, sleestakk


A CIA agent is interned for failing to kill an international terrorist. Escaping from his island exile, he teams up with a flamboyant arms dealer and sets out to find the terrorist and rescue the agent’s family. Together they’re a two-man arsenal… with enough voltage to rock the free world.

Rated R | Length 93 minutes


Jean-Claude Van Damme | Dennis Rodman | Mickey Rourke | Paul Freeman | Natacha Lindinger | Valéria Cavalli | Jay Benedict | Bruno Bilotta | Mario Opinato | Orso Maria Guerrini | Ted Rusoff | Umberto Raho | Xiong Xin-Xin | Angelo Ragusa | Ottaviano Dell'Acqua | Paolo Calissano | Joelle Devaux-Vullion | Grant Russell | William Dunn | Asher Tzarfati | Rob Diem | Sandy Welsh | Jessica Forde | Malick Bowens | Dominic Gould | Frederick Renard | Cyrille Dufaut | Eric Gauchy | Patrick Cauderlier | Alexander Koumpan | Hans Meyer | Jesse Joe Walsh | Peter Nelson | Pascal Lopez | Dominique Fouassier | Paolo Paoloni | Jean-Pierre Stewart | Adam Kaci | Pascaline Girardot | Nathalie Grac | Sigal Diamant | Gabriella D'Olive | Nick Brett | Ken Samuels

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/18/2014TVVHSOwned2.5 stars

Viewing Notes

This movie has JCVD as a goth.
This movie has a tiger.
This movie has a lot of Coke Machines.
This movie has Dennis Rodman being… well, Dennis Rodman.

This movie is a sight to behold.


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