
The Northville Cemetery Massacre (1976)

Directed by William Dear, Thomas L. Dyke

Action | Drama


Mayhem starts when a gang of bikers is accused of a sadistic rape in a small town.

Rated R | Length 83 minutes


David Hyry | J. Craig Collicut | Carson Jackson | Jan Sisk | Herb Sharples | Len Speck | Beatrice Endahl | Harry Endahl | Brooke Evens | Jill Biggers | Ward Clawson | Richard Davis | Buzz Brown | Audrey Speck | Chuck Whaley | Terence McGovern | Kelly Burke | Fred Rex | Ed Pieratt | Eric Fisher | Jackie Harbin | Virginia Pieratt | Ray Gardener | Garret Albright | Howard Reeves | Don Franklin | Charles Pearson | William Morrell | Anthony Wyrock | Pat Monks | Victoria Baue | Nancy Burek | Debbi Dipietro | Richard Duggan | Don C. Howell | Susan Kingsley | David Klim | Joe Pazzanese | James Tulas | Louis Westfall | Nick Nolte

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/30/2014Movie ScreenOtherBorrowed3 stars

Viewing Notes

Not the biggest fan of biker films, but this one is pretty good. Some great scenes in the final shootout.


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