
Just One of the Guys (1985)

Directed by Lisa Gottlieb


Most recently watched by noahphex, jenerator, themarc


When Terry Griffith loses her high school’s writing competition, she’s convinced that it’s because she’s a girl. So Terry decides to change high schools and pose as a boy to prove her point. Her brother, Buddy, helps her pass as a guy so well that she is soon making friends with the boys at school, including the attractive Rick, who becomes her new best friend. But her gender-swapping makes things difficult when she falls in love with him.

Rated PG-13 | Length 100 minutes


Joyce Hyser | Clayton Rohner | Billy Jayne | William Zabka | Toni Hudson | Leigh McCloskey | Sherilyn Fenn | Deborah Goodrich | Kenneth Tigar | Arye Gross | Robert Fieldsteel | Stuart Charno | John Apicella | Steven Basil | J. Williams | Don Blanton | Ramon Chavez | Frank Sprague | Emily Ragsdale | Richard Blake | Mickey Guinn | Stacy Blythe | Anthony Galde | Linda Kelly | Kim Norwitz | Kim Studer | Joseph Finsterwald | Katy Boyer | Troy Clegg | Randy Mooers | Brian Melrose | Tony Brock | Jay W. Davis | John Coury | James Michael Zavala | Cait Brennan | Eli Cross | Travis Dutch | Rebecca Ferratti | Cyndee Head

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/31/2014TVStreamingRented3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Caught this on the last day on Netflix Instant. A fun gender swap film with a very famous flashing sequence. After said boobage there is the BEST line ever after seeing a girl topless - “where do you get off having tits?!”



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