
Coffy (1973)

Directed by Jack Hill



After her younger sister gets involved in drugs and is severely injured by contaminated heroin, a nurse sets out on a mission of vengeance and vigilante justice, killing drug dealers, pimps, and mobsters who cross her path.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Pam Grier | Robert DoQui | Sid Haig | Booker Bradshaw | William Elliott | Allan Arbus | Linda Haynes | Barry Cahill | Lee de Broux | Ruben Moreno | Lisa Farringer | Carol Locatell | John Perak | Mwako Cumbuka | Morris Buchanan | Peaches Jones | Jan-Minika Hughes | Leslie McRay | Ray Young | Bob Minor | Jeff Burton | Wally Strauss | Dick O'Shea | Kim Williams | Ellen Blake | Lee Terry | Gail Davis | Lyman Ward | Don Newsome | Karen Williams | Bobby Johnson | Ron Gans | Nat Jones | Dea St. Lamont | Bebe Louie | Jason Laskay | Walter Beakel | Eugene Jackson | Calvin Brown | Eumenio Blanco | Gwen Farrell | Edward Coch Jr. | Hans Moebus | Cosmo Sardo | Marilyn Joi

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/24/2015Movie ScreenOtherBorrowed4 stars

Viewing Notes

Pam Grier was one foxy lady and quite the ass kicker to boot!


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