
Humongous (1982)

Directed by Paul Lynch


Most recently watched by sleestakk


The monstrous offspring of a violent crime grows up in seclusion on a remote island, where a boatful of hapless teens have shipwrecked, unaware of what’s lurking in the woods.

Rated R | Length 94 minutes


Janet Julian | David Wallace | John Wildman | Janit Baldwin | Joy Boushel | Layne Coleman | Shay Garner | Page Fletcher | John McFadyen | Garry Robbins | Mary Sullivan

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/05/2015Movie ScreenDigitalOwned3 stars

Viewing Notes

A couple of great kills and an interesting score for this out-of-control deformed child turned killer flick.


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