
The Ghost Dance (1982)

Directed by Peter F. Buffa


Most recently watched by sensoria


The spirit of a long-dead warrior possesses the body of an Indian medicine man and turns him into a homicidal maniac.

Rated R | Length 96 minutes


Julie Amato | Victor Mohica | Henry Bal | Frank Salsedo | James Andronica | Patricia Alice Albrecht | Deloris Maaske | J. Christopher Senter | Henry Kendrick | Felicia Leon | Ramon Chavez | John Richard Petersen | Kirk L. Kiskella

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/26/2015Movie ScreenOtherOwned3.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Not a bad film, but very dark. Not in content but visually. So much so that it’s hard to follow at times. There are some great kills though and interesting Native American angle.


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