
Extinction (2018)

Directed by Ben Young

Science Fiction | Action

Most recently watched by sensoria


A chief mechanic at a factory, haunted by apocalyptic nightmares, becomes a hero when Earth is invaded by a mysterious army bent on destruction.

Rated R | Length 96 minutes


Michael Peña | Lizzy Caplan | Israel Broussard | Mike Colter | Lex Shrapnel | Emma Booth | Amelia Crouch | Erica Tremblay | Lilly Aspell | Dan Cade | Nikola Kent | Michael Absalom | Mina Obradović | Tom Riley | Sandra Teles | Vladimir Grbić | Georgia Goodman | Joe Corrigall | Olivera Tamindzic | Milena Predić | Marko Vasiljević | Zlatija Ocokoljić | Petar Ćirica | Brendan Stokey | Ivona Kustudić | Jovan Gulan | Sona Havranova | Brad Kane

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/11/2018TVStreamingRented4 stars


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