
The Lookout (2007)

Directed by Scott Frank

Crime | Drama

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Chris is a once promising high school athlete whose life is turned upside down following a tragic accident. As he tries to maintain a normal life, he takes a job as a janitor at a bank, where he ultimately finds himself caught up in a planned heist.

Rated R | Length 99 minutes


Joseph Gordon-Levitt | Jeff Daniels | Matthew Goode | Isla Fisher | Carla Gugino | Bruce McGill | Alberta Watson | Aaron Berg | Morgan Kelly | Greg Dunham | Alex Borstein | Sergio Di Zio | David Huband | Tinsel Korey | Suzanne Kelly | Brian Edward Roach | Martin Roach | Ofield Williams | Julie Pederson | Stephen Eric McIntyre | Janaya Stephens | Marc Devigne | Courtney-Jane White | Thanya Romero | Paul Christie | Tracy McMahon | Gordie Farrell | Toni Reimer | Ted Felbel | Charles Crossin | Chuck Robinson | Kalyn Bomback | John Bluethner | Leslie Bais | Harry Nelken | Laura Vandervoort

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/06/2012TVDVDRented3 stars


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