
Movies by Tag

zombiefreak has logged 28 movies that were tagged with “2017-aug.”

Movies tagged with “2017-aug”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
Freeway Maniac, ThePaul Winters198908/30/2017
Final FleshIke Sanders200908/30/2017
Land of the LostBrad Silberling200908/29/2017
Ingrid Goes WestMatt Spicer201708/28/2017
Logan LuckySteven Soderbergh201708/28/2017
Minority ReportSteven Spielberg200208/24/2017
TagSion Sono201508/23/2017
Bad RapSalima Koroma201608/23/2017
Train to BusanYeon Sang-ho201608/23/2017
Just Before DawnJeff Lieberman198108/23/2017