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A thrilling entertainment mystery period drama directed by Daisuke Yamazaki, depicting the remarkable feats of the puppet showman Sakichi of Otama Pond, who skillfully unravels the serial murders involving Hannya masks swirling around the streets of Edo’s 808 districts with his adept jutte handling. This is the first installment in the series starring Tomisaburō Wakayama.
Length 60 minutes
Tomisaburo Wakayama | Akira Ôizumi | Keiko Okawa | Atsuko Nakazato | Yataro Kurokawa | Sumiko Hidaka | Koinosuke Onoe | Shin Tokudaiji | Yasushi Nagata | Kunio Kaga | Sonosuke Sawamura | Juro Hoshi | Tokinosuke Nakamura | Kunijirô Yanagi | Ushio Akashi | Tokumaro Dan | Yoshiko Tsukibue | Shintaro Takashima | Eiko Maruyama | Junko Mizuki