In an alternate universe of 1967, Lucy is trapped in a cult-like Pool Club under societal circumstances. During an attempt to change her own personal universe, Lucy, unintentionally changes the world for women as we know it. A night of unfortunate events lead her to a gathering of minorities (each representing a true civil rights activists of 1960), who rebel against the American dream. We learn the next morning that most of the action against this society were reset by a powerful individual who represents their government, Dr. George Star.
Length 18 minutes
Brittney Rae | Frantzy Moreau | Brooklyn Krogh | Aidan Daley | David Jura | Daryl Meyer | John Hein | Nina Marie Daniele | Andres Simonian | Ricky Herrera | Mia Scornavacca | Rita Cole | Isaac Beverly | Allena Graff | Pamela Longsword | Amanda Tavarez | Kris Kozlowski | Coco Valencia | Michael J. Sanchez | Mehika Dorval | Natalie Cabo | Vanessa Ilias | Karli Evans | Ally Rachel | Gina Mancini | Krizia Quarta | Daniela Rodriguez | Emily Estrada | Melanie Lopez | Alma Berti | David Gonzalez | Alejandro Martinez | Ian Rolph | Josh Lopez | Miguel Anyelo | Juan Inastrilla | Ziggy Rosado | Natalie Dechime | June Raven Romero | Arin Fadden | Gwendolyne Mustelier | Guillermo Pacheco Soffia | Troy Galembeck-Rohr | Noah Galembeck-Rohr | Randy Floyd | Nevaeh Harris | Amiya Harris | Bimini Howie | Makhi Talley | Samantha Craven-Meyers | McKenzie Kinney | Lilah Barreda | Helena Palladino | Mei-Lin HoSang | Jackson Gall