“Savage” is a gripping action drama where Frank Savage, a battle-hardened ex-soldier, faces a moral crossroads. To secure his ailing mother’s medical treatment, he reluctantly joins a dangerous bank heist led by his old war buddy, Vernon. However, the heist spins into chaos, leaving Frank with a brutal choice. Loyalty to Vernon, the friend from his past, or protecting Sommer, a woman held hostage. He must not only protect Sommer, but also fight for his own redemption, setting the stage for an intense battle of survival and showdown.
Length 85 minutes
Cody Bobay | Chloƫ Marie Rhoades | Wade Williams | Corin Nemec | Benjamin Bernard | Evan Pedone | Parker Padgett | Ryan Knudson | Lisa Donini | David Velez | Judy Ricquel Harris | Charles Golff | Eric Justice