Set in the late Edo period. Ohatsu, who is the signboard girl for a diner in Nihonbashi Torichō, awakens to a mysterious power – the spiritual ability to see and hear things that ordinary people cannot. Southern Edo magistrate Negishi Hizen-no-kami Yasumori approached her to request assistance in gathering strange tales for a collection called Mimibukuro, and introduces her to Furusawa Ukyonosuke, a trainee yoriki. Thus, the two of them encounter some bizarre events…
Mone Kamishiraishi | Taiga Kyomoto | Bando Yajuro | Shinnosuke Mitsushima | Masahiro Takashima | Kana Kurashina | Maho Nonami | Ryosuke Mikata | Masato Wada | Mamoru Miyano