Masanori Igayama, who directed “Mito Komon Manyuki: The Counterattack of Toukuzaki,” will direct the screenplay by Shinji Tsugei, who also directed “Ah Toyamaru,” and Hiroshi Fukushima, who worked on “Itako Jowa Nagareboshi Sandogasa,” will be in charge of cinematography. The performers include Ryunosuke Tsukigata and Saburo Akechi
Length 50 minutes
Ryûnosuke Tsukigata | Jûzaburô Akechi | Ushio Akashi | Akira Tatematsu | Isao Yamagata | Yuji Kamishiro | Reiko Miyagawa | Tetsunosuke Tsukigata | Yukiko Sono