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Average Rating: 4.5/10

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Elf-Man (2012)

Directed by Ethan Wiley

Most recently watched by sleestakk


An Elf is left behind by Santa to help rescue the Harper family from a lousy Christmas. The Elf and the family get more than they bargained for, as the kids help the Elf discover his special powers and true identity as a budding superhero.

Rated R | Length 86 minutes


Jason Acuña | Jeffrey Combs | Mirelly Taylor | Carly Robell | Marty Terry | Dave Coyne | Joe Hansard | Mackenzie Astin | Blake Kaiser | Larry Nichols | Mike Diesel | Jack Hoke | Teale Sperling | Larry Levinson II | Ceire Kenny | Devin Gaither | Kim Tuvin